New SCA presidents prepare for year ahead

The student body elected rising senior Alex Pascocello Student Council Association (SCA) President on May 26, along with all of the other class leaders positions for next year. Pascocello has been apart of SCA for three years. He started as Third Vice President, then moved up to be Second Vice President as a sophomore and is now First Vice President. He plays bass in the school’s Jazz Band. Pascocello is excited to serve the school community and has lots of new ideas to improve events, fundraising and school spirit. I sat down to talk to him and the newly elected Class Presidents about their thoughts on the upcoming school year.
Alex’s Q&A:
Why did you get involved with SCA to begin with?
“I figured that it would be a good way to meet people, especially because it was freshman year coming in I didn’t know a ton of people outside of kids I knew from Swanson. I thought it would ba good way to meet not only other freshmen but upperclassmen as well. So then I joined and there were sophomores, juniors and seniors, and then I met new people and had a lot of fun doing it. I’ve been doing it ever since.”
What do you think your greatest challenge will be as SCA President?
“Just getting events organized and running well. Our biggest things are the pep rally, SCA olympics and the blood drive, so I just want to make sure everything runs smoothly and well. I hope that there are no issues and that we get a good turn out for events.”
What fundraising goals would you like to set?
“We do penny wars a lot and we do the pie in the face at the end of the year for SCA olympics. I think that if we promoted that more and got the student body more involved we could probably bring in more revenue that way.”
Who would you like to collaborate with inside the school?
“I would really love to get students opinions on things that we can change. There’s not so much that we can do because the administration likes to keep with what we’re doing. But if people have ideas that we can get passed talking to them is always good. And maybe that can make it more interesting and we can get more people coming to more events.”
What do you want to accomplish by this time next year?
“I want to either keep up or beat the blood drive record from last year. I want to have a very successful pep rally and SCA olympics, and I want to feel happy about what I accomplished over not just my time as President but over all four years and in the SCA overall.”
The student body elected Johnston French Senior Class President. French has been apart of SCA this year as Junior Class President. He is apart of the school’s Model United Nations and plays Frisbee.
Johnston’s Q&A:
Why did you get involved with SCA to begin with?
“I was interested in helping run the class activities and Mrs. Reed seemed cool. I knew she was the junior class sponsor.”
What do you think your greatest challenge will be as Senior Class President?
“My greatest challenge is going to be fundraising for prom.”
What fundraising goals would you like to set?
“My goals for fundraising are to raise enough to make prom less expensive. Also to raise enough money to build a moat around the school.”
Who would you like to collaborate with inside the school?
“I really look forward to collaborating with Mr. Hall because I’ve talked to him and he’s always been nice and funny. I am also excited to work with Dr. Robertson because he seems nice and I’d like to get to know him and work with him to make events like prom and homecoming successful.”
What do you want to accomplish by this time next year?
“Personally, I hope to gain 50 pounds of pure muscle. In regards to the class, I want to make sure my classmates are happy with the job I’ve done.”
The student body elected Sarah Russell-Hunter Junior Class President. Russell-Hunter has been apart of SCA for since the beginning of this school year. She started as Sophomore Class President. She is apart of the orchestra and theatre departments.
Sarah’s Q&A:
Why did you want to get involved with SCA to begin with?
“I wanted to make an impact on my community with things like homecoming and just making it a better place.”
What do you think your greatest challenge will be as Junior Class President?
“Our greatest challenge, I think, is going to be organizing homecoming, since it’s so soon this year. Just getting all the decorations up and getting organized right after the start of school, because homecoming is on September 16th this year, will be tough.”
What fundraising goals would you like to set?
“We’re going to be doing a junior dance, which we’ve already started planning and we’re super excited. That’s our main fundraiser, so we can make it work. Junior classes in the past haven’t done it right, but we’re going to make it cool. We’re thinking about either doing a Sadie’s or spring fling type thing.”
Who would you like to collaborate with inside the school?
“My main goal is to work with Ms. Cantor and to get around sports schedules so we can get the date for the spring dance correct, so that people can actually come. That’s the goal, my main goal, for working with teachers.”
What would you like to accomplish by this time next year?
“Lots of junior fun. I want to make junior year not as terrible as it would be. I want to have lots more fundraising events like maybe a movie night of some sort, or bake sales. Those are always fun.”
The student body elected Eli Roggen Sophomore Class President. Rogen has been apart of SCA in his middle school and this past year he was treasurer for the freshman class. He also rows for the school’s crew team.
Eli’s Q&A:
Why did you want to get involved with SCA to begin with?
“I wanted to be involved with school and help make the school a better place, which is what I’m doing.”
What do you think will be your greatest challenge as Sophomore Class President?
“There are always conflicts between different SCA members, but I think that as President, I can unite us all and help make the school a better place. With their help, I can make the students feel represented by other students.”
What fundraising goals would you like to set?
“Throughout this past year as treasurer, we’ve been working on subsidizing our prom and starting it early, so continuing that is a big goal.”
Who would you like to collaborate with inside the school?
“Having a good relationship with the administrators is vital to a good SCA. Being able to communicate with them when people have concerns or questions or just want to do something is really important. Ms. Peters is our class administrator, so working with her is good.”
What do you want to accomplish by this time next year?
“Hopefully, myself and the rest of the SCA can fulfill their campaign promises to fundraise more, be more involved with students and listen to what they have to say, just like we did this year.”