Women that have affected us
Women’s History Month
Photo via Lindsey Lamont on Unsplash
The Future Is Female
Michelle Obama, Malala Yousafzai, Maya Angelou, Amelia Earhart, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. What do these extraordinary and influential people have in common? They are all women. In March 1987, Congress declared March Women’s History Month to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of women. (https://www.today.com/life/inspiration/womens-history-month-rcna17775)
For years, women have been excluded from rights, jobs, and achievements, while also being oppressed by the patriarchy. Many believe that regardless of a woman’s experience, education, or abilities, the patriarchal nature of U.S. society fosters the perception that women are less qualified and less competent than men. Women have had to fight for almost every right they have today, and now, in 2022, we continue to celebrate strong women we love, look up to, and aspire to be like.
Freshman Lizzy Fulmer wanted to share her appreciation for women and her thoughts on some of their struggles.
“Women’s history month is really important and it’s been celebrated for a long time,” Fulmer said. “My grandma was in the first class of women to graduate from Georgetown University, and that inspires me to work very hard.”
Most have women that inspire them, whether they be celebrities or female relatives. Unfortunately, no matter how many amazing things women do and accomplish, many feel they are still being oppressed by things like abortion laws, wage gaps, and careers.
“Especially with [recent] abortion laws, I think it’s really terrible how men are telling women what to do with their bodies, and also unequal pay is a terrible thing,” Fulmer said.
Fulmer shared the favorite woman in her life.
“My grandma and my sister, they’ve guided me through life and just helped me out a lot,” Fulmer said. “[Also] Taylor Swift because she speaks out about a lot of problems facing women.”
Many also believe that the accomplishments of women go unnoticed.
“A lot of things are especially unseen and unheard of, like Rosalind Franklin who I learned about recently in my biology class,” Fulmer said. “She discovered DNA and then two men stole her work and got the credit for her science and overall inventions… I don’t think they teach enough [about her], I barely hear anyone talk about it. I think it should be taught in history at least a little bit. I think when women have power, especially in politics they can be huge role models for any girls out there.”
Freshman Drake Williams agrees with Fulmer’s sentiments on Women’s History Month.
“It’s important because society needs to recognize the struggles of women and how in society, they’re not treated as well as men,” Williams said.
Another aspect of Women’s History Month is celebrating female artists.
“I’d say, really good musical artists like Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey,” Williams said.
Williams was faced with the question of female oppression from the male perspective, with things like wage gaps and their oppression compared to people of color.
“The wage gap is [bad]…, they’re still oppressed by men who are treated better by society which is obviously an important social justice issue, but I’d say men of color too both definitely face problems because society can see if you’re a woman and also sees the color your skin,” Williams said. “Society is both inherently sexist and racist at the same time, and I don’t think it should be a competition.”
Williams also wanted to share his favorite women in his life and what they have done for him.
“All the women in my family and my friends too, my family has raised me and helped me grow and my friends are always there for me,” Williams said.
Just like Fulmer, Williams expressed his opinions on women’s history being taught in schools, as well as on women in positions of power.
“I’m glad they teach it, but they should probably teach more [because] women have done so much for society,” Williams said. “Women in power are important because they help make important laws that need to be crafted. However, there are fewer women than men in power and so that’s also an important issue that needs to be changed because society is rooted in sexism, and men are treated better.”
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