New Clubs on the Block
Get to know about WL’s newest Clubs
Students crocheting in Crochet Club
Many utilize clubs to meet new people and to find something they are passionate about. like volunteering, art or sports. Several students at Washington-Liberty decided to start new clubs this year.
Chronic Illness Support Club
Junior Lydia Fiorino is the co-president of the Chronic Illness Support Club, founded this year.
“I decided to create this club. I’m a co-founder because when I got my diagnosis for epilepsy, I did not have anyone to relate to or to talk me through the process,” Fiorino said.
Since the Chronic Illness Support Club is a new club, Fiorino hopes other students who can relate to her own experiences and need support will join.
“The main focus of my club is to create a community for those with chronic illnesses to have support,” Fiorino said. “We are planning on asking the counselor to come in and help talk about coping strategies.”
The Chronic Illness Support Club meets in Mr. Green’s room every other Monday in 2001 Fiorino has many goals for her club this year, but her main goal is supporting other students who have chronic illnesses.
“Some of my goals for my club this year is to expand in trying to reach everyone possible that has chronic illness and needs to find a support system,” Fiorino said.
Crochet Club
Senior Isabella Murashov is the president of the Crochet Club and founded the club in May of last year. Since the Crochet Club is relatively new, Murashov has some goals for the club. One of her main goals is to crochet things for the homeless.
“I really like to crochet. It’s a pretty big hobby of mine and I wanted to find a way to have a real impact,” Murashov said. “My main goal is to create things to donate to homeless organizations.”
As the president of the Crochet Club, Murashov has many responsibilities. Some of her responsibilities include teaching new members how to crochet and developing club activities. Currently, the club has fulfilled Murashov’s goal by crocheting things to donate to the homeless so that they can stay warm in the winter.
“Well, I have to come up with the ideas for projects and I also teach most of the members how to crochet, those who don’t already know how,” Murashov said. “So far we have been working on beanies to donate.”
This year, the Crochet Club has about six or seven members. Murashov hopes that students who enjoy crocheting or want to learn will join the club. The Crochet Club meets once a week in room 2212.
“[We’re looking for] anybody who enjoys crocheting or anyone who is learning how to crochet or anyone who likes to knit,” Murashov said.
Nihon Club
Junior Irene Hu and Senior Mallory Colon are co-presidents of the Nihon Club and founded the club this school year in November. The main focus of the Nihon Club is to connect with people with a similar interest in Japanese culture.
“So we’re basically in charge of making and setting club meeting agenda and also reach[ing]
out to outside organizations to get more opportunities [and] to commit people who are interested in Japanese culture. We [also] do fundraisers to support club activities,” Hu said.
A typical club meeting consists of a slide show to present what they will do during the meeting. Some of the activities they hope to do are bringing Japanese snacks to share and having a sushi sale to raise money for the club.
“The upcoming event that we’re gonna do is this cultural exchange event with the chance to have a conversation with students in Japan through [a] Zoom meeting and we’re just exchanging culture,” Hu said. “We have partnered up with our study Japanese in Arlington and this is like one of their events.”
Currently, the Nihon Club has about 15 members and they hope to get more people who are interested in their club. The Nihon Club meets on Mondays in the Annex room 307.
“[We want] anybody who likes Japanese anime, culture or the language,” Colon said. “[Our goals are] meeting new people and making friends who have similar interests.”
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