Q&A with royalty

McLean @ Washington-Lee Varsity Football (Image taken by Patrick R. Kane on 21 Oct 2016 with Canon EOS-1D X Mark II at ISO 3200, f5.6, 1/125 sec and 55mm)
What does it mean to you that you were nominated for homecoming court?
Carolyn: Homecoming queen means that I get to keep the journalism royalty legacy alive, and that’s important for me. (Note: “legacy” refers to the fact that for the last three years the Homecoming king or queen has been from the Crossed-Sabres editorial staff. Go us.)
Filmon: It was touching to find out how many people support me and voted for me.
Did you plan to be nominated or campaign?
Carolyn: I had one friend that told me that she was going to vote for me just for fun, and I was going to vote for her too, but I did not campaign, and I didn’t know anyone that did campaign. Everyone that was put on the court was put there unexpectedly.
Filmon: I didn’t campaign. I just heard rumors that people were nominating me like my friends and other seniors.
Why not?
Carolyn: I had other things to focus on like college and school work.
Filmon: I didn’t because I wasn’t planning to be king.
How’d you hear you were nominated/how’d you feel?
Carolyn: I was called down by Ms. Cantor, and I didn’t know what it was for. At first I thought I was in trouble because I didn’t know what she wanted to see me about, but when I got in her room she told me I wasn’t in trouble and that I was nominated for queen.
Filmon: I felt excited for the chance to be king.
Why’d you decide to be on the court?
Carolyn: My dad was Homecoming king when he was in high school in Oregon, and my little sister was on her homecoming court freshmen year. I thought it’d be cool to “carry on” the family tradition.
Filmon: I thought it’d be fun to see how many people would vote for me.
So how do you think you’ll look back on it?
Carolyn: I’ll always remember being nominated as Homecoming queen in high school because I like senior year, and I want to remember as much of it as possible.
Filmon: I’m not sure I’ll remember it but it was a fun thing to do in the moment.
What are some adjectives you would use to describe how you felt the night of the nomination?
Carolyn: I felt surprised when I got the crown and proud to represent the senior class.
Filmon: I felt excited, happy and nervous.