The SCA adapts to distance learning

Sara Dangmann

Students decorate the sidewalks near the school with chalk. The SCA’s chalk decorating competition was one of their planned Homecoming Spirit Week activities.

The school’s Student Council Association (SCA) is planning multiple different events during online school, trying to make this unfamiliar way of school more comfortable. 

Our goals for the year are to continue to try to engage and unite the student body as much as possible, and make this tough online experience a little better for everyone,” sophomore senator Lily Kuzdzal said.

In the month of October, they prepared many fun activities for students to partake in, such as a spirit week, scavenger hunt and Family Feud game.

It has been really difficult to get students excited to participate, so we have been trying to come up with new ideas,” senior Shea Messman, the president of the SCA, said.

During October’s Homecoming Spirit Week, the SCA developed themes that students have to dress and change their backgrounds according to each day. Since school is online, they had to take into consideration what would be easy for everyone to do in the comfort of their own homes. 

“We also tried to come up with themes that were easy enough for people to participate in, but still lots of fun,” Jillian McLead, a sophomore senator, said. 

Students who participated in Spirit Week would fill out a daily form to share what they did to participate for that day. 

We did give out gift cards to students who participated the first week,” Messman said. “But this past one was just a competition against the other schools.” 

On October 21 and 22, students participated in a sidewalk chalk competition, which was supposed to replicate the annual hall decorating in the main hallway. 

The competition should be judged, and points will go towards the spirit stick, like hallway decorating usually does,” sophomore senator Molly Wernick said.

They took precautions due to COVID-19, making sure everyone was safe during this activity. These included temperature checks, gloves, required masks and social distancing. 

The SCA have also planned more things for the rest of the year, such as a Thanksgiving assembly and a food drive.

We are trying to plan many more fun ways for students [to] get involved in a virtual setting,” Third vice president freshman Taylor Walsh said

The SCA has been very active on their instagram page, @wl.SCA, posting about events going on in school and throughout the month. They’ve also been posting announcements on Canvas, big and bold so everyone can see what’s going on throughout the weeks. 

“Students, you should consider participating!” Messman said. “We have to work really hard right now to get ideas approved and work around our situation. We just want our school to be happy and if we can help in any way, that would be amazing.”