Pepper spray pile-up

A football fan being interviewed about the pepper spray incident at the homecoming game

On the night of the Homecoming came, a pepper spray fight broke out that put a damper on the school’s 55-13 win at home.

The evening started out quite peacefully, which is why most spectators were surprised when the fight started. “These ladies just came out of nowhere and started swinging at each other.” said an anonymous source. “No one wanted to back up. Everybody was just jumping in there and piling up.”

The situation escalated quickly, and much of the action happened in just several minutes. Although many people claim to have seen a glimpse of what was going on, most witnesses say that at the time there was just confusion everywhere, especially after the pepper spray was released. “I didn’t know what was happening at all,” freshman Liam Moynihan said.

Eventually, a nearby police officer was decided to use pepper spray on the two girls, which accidentally was sprayed on several spectators, and ended up making the incident much more intense. “I got something in my mouth that was burning so I just ran away.”  Bishop O’Connell High School junior Danny Botheway said. “Then I saw some other people who were rubbing their eyes and saying it was pepper spray.”

However, there were only minor injuries as a result of the pepper spray. All effects were temporary, and lasted less than a minute in most cases. “I am greatly relieved that there were no serious injuries,” Dr. Robertson said. “All students involved in the incident left the game with the support of their parents.”

The pepper spray incident was something that is rare at the school, and according to Dr. Robertson, something that precautions will be taken against from now on. The incident has given students, teachers and administrators, alike, a chance to learn something about dealing with conflict. As an anonymous source said, “It was really intense, and I’m definitely going to remember it for a while.”